01. size =531 sq km
02. population (total)= 3,64,382 people
Males =1,825,586 people
Female =1,81,796 people
03. Density of population= 675 sq km
04. Number of families= 88,791
05. Total voters are= 25,8,449
06. Communication facilities (total)
The raw stream is= 421.25 km
Halfway up to= 8.68 km
Ripe =169.59 km
07. Union 12
08 .mouzas 447
09 .g 439
10 .historic places 2
Chaugam Rajbari
Tiskhali Mazar
11. freedom fighters, 220
Educational Institution
Government Primary School 209
Madrasa 13
Private child care
Niman Secondary School (Girls) 01
Heterosexual secondary school (co-education) 06
Secondary School (Girls) 04
Secondary school (co-education) 48
Higher Secondary College
Higher Secondary College (Secondary Education) 02
Technical College (Girls) 01
Technical college (co-education) 09
Degree College (Female) 01
Degree College (co-education) 04
13. rate of education
14. literacy rate of 61.21%
15. The number of agricultural laborers is 66,350
16. Total cultivable land 43,650 hectares
17. social forest land 1800
18. BCIC (dealer) 13 people
19. Union Health Centers 10
20. union land office 12
21. There are 439 number of ponds in Khas
22. There are 31 buses in 22 hats
23. mass killing site (Shahagola and Singra)
24. Number of NGO=38
26. Risotto =35
27. mosques= 411
28. The temple is =362
29. Allowance activities
Freedom freedoms number= 205
Number of adult beneficiaries =8143
Number of Widows / Husband Relief Allowance =3631
Number of people with disability allowance =1721
Number of people with education stipulation =229
Number of FLAS Benefits =4960
Number of VGD Beneficiaries =2058
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS